Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

business comunication: business comunication: surat permintaan penawaran (Request for supply letter )

business comunication: business comunication: surat permintaan penawaran (Request for supply letter )


business comunication: surat permintaan penawaran (Request for supply letter )

business comunication: surat permintaan penawaran (Request for supply letter )


business comunication: surat permintaan penawaran (Request for supply letter )

business comunication: surat permintaan penawaran (Request for supply letter )

surat permintaan penawaran (Request for supply letter )

Request for supply letter

PT Anugrah Sentosa
Road No. 20 East Pegangsaan
Tel. (021) 5314567
Jakarta 12 345
No. 15/AM/10/10                                                                          1 Oktober 2010

Yth. Marketing Manager STORES Heavens
Setiabudi Road 99
342 456 Central Jakarta

Subject: Request for supply of computer equipment

With Regards,
We intend to be wearing the device computer device assembly, which we will use as a tool for our company in the work of the employees of our company.
Therefore, we hereby request that you send the price list information about the following computer equipment:
1. Terms of payment
2. Rebate
3. Delivery mode
4. After-sales service

In addition, we ask that the send catalogs and brochures of the goods. Top your attention, we say thank you.


Widya Niwayan A. (20208878)

Complaint letter (surat keluhan)

SHOP Heavens
Setiabudi Road 99
342 456 Central Jakarta
No. : 11/AR/IV/10                                                                           7 April 2010
Lamp: 1 (one) sheet
Page: complain for the service being given

Yth. Director of PT Anugrah Sentosa
Road No. 20 East Pegangsaan
Jakarta 12 345


We have received several computer devices from the father or the mother company, in accordance with our order dated 5 April 2010. Unfortunately, when we tried one by one the computer to which you send, there are some devices that have a product defect or damage to the system works.

Here is a list of devices that have disabilities:
3 pieces ASUS P5GC-MX Motherboard Supports Core 2 Duo CPU @ USD $ 540 000 = R p 1.62 million
1 pc Graphics Card Sparkle GeForce 7600 GT 256 MB (optional) @ Rp 1,200,000 = Rp 1,200,000
2 pieces of Samsung Combo CD Rewriter @ Rp 231,000 = USD 462,000
5 pieces Monitor LG 17 "SemiFlat @ IDR 780,000 = USD 3.9 million
5 pieces Pentium Dual Core Processor E2160 1.8GHz @ USD 748,000 = USD 3.74 million

Due to our total estimate is very detrimental to our company, therefore we ask that your company 'immediately take back and exchange the product in accordance with the agreement "guarantees" that your company provided. We wait until 2 days later than the next.
Hopefully we can continue our cooperation to the next. Thanks for your time father or mother.

              Sincerely,                                                                          Us,

Widya Niwayan (20208878)                                                      3EB13

surat pemesanan

example of order letter

SHOP Heavens
Setiabudi Road 99
342 456 Central Jakarta
No. : 10/AR/IV/10                                                                             5 April 2010
Lamp: 1 (one) sheet

Yth. Director of PT Anugrah Sentosa
Road No. 20 East Pegangsaan
Jakarta 12 345

In accordance with a list price that you send us, we hereby please send the computer device, with details:
10 ASUS P5GC-MX Motherboard Supports Core 2 Duo CPU @ USD $ 540 000 = R p 5400,000
10 pcs Pentium Dual Core Processor E2160 1.8GHz @ IDR 748,000 = USD 7.48 million
10 pcs 1 GB DDR2 667 PC-5300 @ Rp 225.000 = USD 2.25 million
10 pieces of hard drives Maxtor 160 GB SATA II 7200 RPM, 2 MB Cache @ IDR 525,000 = USD 5.25 million
10 pcs Samsung Combo CD Rewriter @ Rp 231,000 = USD 2.31 million
5 pieces Locent Internal Modem @ Rp 45,000 = Rp 225.000
10 pieces set the standard keyboard and optical mouse @ Rp 30,000 = Rp 300,000
10 Graphics Card Sparkle GeForce 7600 GT 256 MB (optional) @ Rp 1,200,000 = Rp 12,000,000
10 pieces Monitor LG 17 "SemiFlat @ Rp 780,000 = Rp 7,800,000

Total = USD $ 43.015.000
Discount 10% = USD. 4.301.500
To be paid = Rp. 38.713.500
Money amounting to USD 38.713.500 has been sent through the BNI 46. Photocopies of proof of delivery of BNI we enclose.
So our order. We immediately sent. Top concern we thank you brother.

Sincerely,                                                                         Us,

Niwayan Widya (20208878)                                           2EB13
Store owner

Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

business comunication

Communication is a process of delivering and receiving messages or information between two or more people in the hope of a positive influence or cause a certain effect is expected. Communication is the perception and appreciation
Communication covers 5 elements, then known by the formula 5 W 1 H, namely:
1. Communicator = WHO [the communicator, the source, the sender]
2. Message = says what [message]
3. Media = in the which channel [channel, media]
4. Communicant = to whom [communicant, communicatee, receiver, recipient]
5. Effect [effect, impact, influence]
II. Business Communication (Business Communication)
is the process of exchange of messages or information to achieve effectiveness and efficiency of work product in the structure and organization systems. In the normal business communication, messages should not only be informative but also persuasive, for another party willing to accept an understanding or belief or performing an act or activity.
In other words, business communication means any communication that is used to build partnerships, intellectual resources, to promote an idea, a product, service, or an organization, with the goal to create value for businesses that run. Business Communication includes a thorough knowledge of internal and external side of the business. Internal communications, including communications vision (company / enterprise), strategies, plans, culture / corporate culture, values and basic principles contained in the company, employee motivation, and ideas, etc.. External communications including branding, marketing, advertising, customer relations, public relations, media relations, business negotiations, etc.. After all its forms, all these things have the same goal, namely to create a business value (create business value)
III. Letter
In communication, people give each other information. Provision of information by humans done in two ways, namely in oral and written. Information orally occur if the donor information line of sight, either directly or indirectly. Communication process can be done by talking over the telephone, radio, television, and so forth. However, if unable to face communication can be done by mail. The letter is one means of written communication to convey information from one party (person, institution, or organization) to another party (person, institution, or organization).

Letter Function:
1. As a means of communication
2. As a representative writer
3. As historical evidence
4. As a working guideline implementation
5. As a reminder tool
6. As a means of written evidence

1. Type of Letter
a. Based on his form
  • Postcard
  • Scripless post
  • Letter-bound
  • The telegram (telegram)
b. Based on The Letter Creator
  •  Personal Letter
  • Formal letter
c. Based on the contents of letter
  • family Letter
  • Letter semiofficial
  • Letter of social
  • Letter of commerce
  • Mail service
d. Under the Scope
  •  Memorandum (memo)
  • Memorandum
  • Letter of ordinary
e. Based on General Pengerian
  •  Open Letter (letters)
  • The letter enclosed
  • cans Letter
Based on its use letters divided into three types, the following:
1. Personal Letter
Personal letter is a letter that is used for personal gain. The letter relates to personal affairs. For example the letter of a child to his parents or a letter to a friend.  The characteristics of a personal letter as follows.
1) Not using letterhead / head letter
2) Not using the same letter
3) Hail vary the opening and closing letters
4) Use the free language, in accordance with the wishes of the writer of the letter.
5) free mail Format
2. Official Letter
An official letter is a letter that is used for official purposes, either written from individuals, agencies, institutions and organizations. For example: the letter of invitation, notification letters, and circulars.
The characteristics of a formal letter, as follows:
1. Using the letterhead if the issuing institution or organization is
2. Using the number of letters, attachments, and subject
3. Using the opening greeting and closing the common or official, such as: Assalamualikum, with respect, we respectfully
4. Using a language with a variety of official or standard
5. Using the seal / stamp if coming from an organization or official agency
6. Writing a letter to follow a particular letter format (not free) 
3. Mail Service
Official letter is a letter that is used for the benefit of the work, duties of the office, or official activities. This letter comes from the agency or institution, either private or public. Example: the letter task, letter orders, memoranda, and the decision letter. The letter is official who berifat individual job application letter, letter of application for license, and the leave application letter.
The characteristics of official letters, as follows:
1. Using stationery / letterhead and the relevant agencies or institutions
2. Using the number of letters, attachments, and subject
3. Using the opening greeting and closing a standard or official, such as: with respect, we respectfully
4. Using raw language or official variety
5. Using the seal / stamp of agency or office letter maker
6. The format of certain documents. If coming from government agencies typically use the new Indonesian official letter format or formats and a half straight version b.
Use of Language in the Letters As noted above that the use of language in the letter depends on the type of use of the letter and purpose of the letter. For personal letters, use of language is subjective, depending on the wishes of the author and to whom the letter is addressed. Write a letter to his parents was going to use the language more formal and polite, unlike with writing letters to friends or companions. Similarly, personal letters were formalized as a job application letter, letter of application for license, and leave. Despite the personal nature, but because it is addressed to an institution or company of the writer must use language that is official and formal. Another case with a formal letter and mail service, use of language tends to use a standard vocabulary and sentence structure are complete. This is because a formal letter and mail services used for purposes or functions that are official or official.
A. Mail Format
As a means of writing, a letter has a format of writing, especially formal letter or official. With the format of a letter, writing a regular letter, parts of the letter was not written anywhere but placed as required. Forms of writing a letter or letter format commonly used are 5 forms, namely:
1) form a full straight (full block style)
Straight shape Fully (Full Block Style) is a form letter in which the neck Letters, Letter Body, and Legs Letters do not form a paragraph but to form a full block from left to right. However, the composition or structure of the letter remain valid in the letter. In typing this letter usually starts from the left edge of the wedge line.

2) the straight shape (block style)
Straight shape (Block Modified Block Style or Style) is a form letter that has the right position at the date and closing greetings. The form of this letter is similar to the Straight shape Fully but the difference is just the date and closing greetings are in the right position, whether in writing, typing or structural.

3) a half straight (semiblock style)
Shape half straight or semiblock styles there are two types, namely Indonesia long form (version a) and Indonesia form a new (version b). Shape Half Straight (Semi-Block Style) is a form letter where all the letters, except the contents of the letter, diketika same as a straight shape. Each end of new paragraph 5 is typed after a knock from the left edge of the wedge line. Usually this form of love is in the wedding invitation.
(Version A)
(Version B)

4) a hollow (indented style)
Form Dent (indented Style) is a form letter where a letter addressed to a paragraph in formation down the ladder-shaped line. Dent shape usually have a paragraph of paragraph a curved so it does not look neat but it looks structured, especially on the letter that directed the formation of such alineanya down stairs.

5) of paragraph hang (hanging paragraph)
Hanging paragraph form (Hanging Paragraph) is a form letter where the letter has a paragraph that body hanging. The purpose of the hanging paragraph after paragraph is new, the next line entry five spaces. So after the first paragraph, the next paragraph should be spaced about 5 spaces. Usually the form of this letter is in a particular service.